Ignite Your Passion and Create Abundance

Start your 2021 intentions by creating the space to bring in the abundant year that you want to have.

To be open to receive your heart’s desires, you must first create the space to accept and receive it.

If you are blocked, feeling tired, unmotivated, overwhelmed, unsupported then how do you intend for your creations and passions to come alive if your body feels this way?

Your body holds your stress, fears, anxiety, tension and this sits very comfortably in your womb where no one can touch it, so it stays safe and hidden. The downfall is you also stay safe and hidden as you are pushing your blockages down for fear that they will be revealed or judged. So you play it safe, not being seen or heard and wonder why everyone around you is getting what they want. It is because they are connecting and standing in their power to receive.

A happy womb will bring pleasure, passion, intimacy, joy, confidence, money, an unhappy womb will bring lack of self worth, guilt, shame, embarrassment and unhappiness.

When you give yourself permission to let down your guard in a safe and nurturing space, you can truly open up to the emotions that are present for healing.

When you slow down to listen to your body, your intuition can share the clarity you need to surrender to trusting yourself which will bring confidence and self esteem. When you feel empowered, people feel this.

Let’s get the creative juices flowing with practices that can help to unblock and shake out what you don’t want to keep so you can ignite your passion, creativity and bring in abundance. Let’s make some space!

What’s included:

– Energy Clearing
– Self Care Practices
– Breathe work
– Self Womb Massage
– Heart Opening Meditation
– Sound Healing
– Creative Expression
– Uncovering blockages
– Late afternoon picnic style lunch

If you are resonating with the deliciousness of this retreat and you are ready to open up for abundance and bring in what you want then contact Edwina to book your place.

Limited spaces available so get in quick.

Click here to book your place today.

As of the 17th January 2021 this retreat is now SOLD OUT




Jan 31 2021


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm




Shop (Coming Soon)