The New Year for 2023 has ticked over and now what?
The start of the new year can hold many expectations that we place on ourselves and then when not reached in the allocated time, how do you internally work through this?
– Do you criticise yourself?
– Do you forget about it?
– Do you try harder?
What does your mind do during this time?
Many of you will and won’t reach your goals, it will come down to what beliefs will allow you to follow your goal through and do you believe you deserve them at an unconscious level because your mind will always be like yes but your body is the key and if you feel on some level you don’t deserve it you won’t achieve it.
What I would suggest is rather than setting a heap of new goals to achieve, why not ask yourself what is the feeling you want to feel this year and what word comes to mind when you think about the year ahead?
Setting the intention for what it is you want to feel is so much more powerful than a heap of goals. Last year my word was surrender, every time I was up against a challenge, facing hard truths, stepping into joy and abundance I would continue to come back to my word and ask how can I surrender in this moment?
Some things to consider when connecting to your word ahead:
- What was the theme of your 2022 that triggered you most and where would you like to see change for 2023?
- Waking up each morning how do you want to feel?
- What action can you take every day that will help bring you closer to where you want to go in life?
When you ask yourself these questions, emotions, thoughts, feelings, physical symptoms will all show up, so what word represents them for you to grow and heal this year?
Once you have a word or a few to choose from, do this exercise below:
- Find a nice quiet place where you can sit or lie down and close your eyes.
- Take three deep belly breathes, inhale through your nose and fill your belly with air, and then exhale out your mouth deflating your belly. Allow yourself to relax into your breathe.
- Then bring up the first word and connect to how your body feels when you say this word. If you have several you may need to do this a few times.
- You will know in your body if it feels like the right word for you, I often get goose bumps or a knowing that this word will challenge and support mew for the year ahead.
- Take a few deep breathes once you have your word and then write it down in your diary so you can remind yourself of this word daily.
See what unfolds during the year, I know that my word showed up everywhere for me when I set this intention in 2022, so be mindful of the word you choose as it will be the catalyst to help you heal and bring situations and opportunities for this to happen. If you take one small step every day towards how you want to feel you will be amazed at how quickly this changes when you set an intention.
Happy New Year
Much love
Feel free to check out my instagram page here for more valuable information.