Natural Fertility & IVF Support

Are you struggling to conceive?

There are no words to describe the suffering that women go through whilst experiencing difficulties with their fertility journey.

What should be a beautiful and wholesome time in your life can quickly become a heart breaking, devastating and  stressful journey for those who experience problems conceiving, or have experienced pregnancy loss. This can leave you feeling alone and unsupported, riding the waves of hope, disappointment, grief and sometimes despair.

For many women feelings of being broken, or not good enough arise, and have lack of support and education can feel frustrating. You can find yourself fumbling on decisions based on fear, risk and age and forgetting to listen to your own knowledge about your body.

Trying to conceive can be the hardest time of your life 

If you are on this journey already you will know the toll it can take on your emotional and physical health. The hope and subsequent disappointment that you feel each month as you hold your breath in the bathroom waiting for that line to appear on yet another test, and once again, its negative.
This has a real impact on your self-esteem, that others simply cannot understand unless they have been through it themselves.  You feel alone with feelings of disappointment, failure, anger, frustration and sadness.
During such a challenging time, whilst trying to seek answers and educate yourself on how to improve your chances of pregnancy it can be isolating. What if you didn’t have to do this alone? What if there was someone who could hold your hand every step of the way and guide you through those decisions, and help you to reconnect with your own knowledge about your body?

“I met Edwina about 3 years ago after hearing about her on the radio … by this stage my partner and I had been trying for over 12 months to conceive and I’d had 1 miscarriage by this stage knowing that it wasn’t going to be easy to conceive for me with having PCOS and with the big 40 looming we were prepared to try anything! so I made the call and oh my Goodness I’m so glad that I did , because on the other end of the phone was the most beautiful person/ soul ever placed on this earth full of love and light for just want to help and support couples through the most beautiful, living , frustrating, emotional Journey you will ever be on … my baby Fairy , Edwina made me feel “ normal “ cause let’s face it as woman we take full responsibility for all this fertility stuff after all it’s supposed to be our natural ability…

Edwina taught me to love my body , respect it in all its glory and power she was there to laugh with, cry with and scream with as we fumbled through this journey.

My Baby fairy where would we be without you thank you for our Son for whispering to my body and calling for him and for blessing my body and soul with our second little miracle too.

Kylies babies – Jasper and Thea below

Kylie W

Fears of “what if I don’t fall pregnant” or “what if I never become a mum”, can manifest in your body when not acknowledged, and become a barrier to falling pregnant. The constant battle and expectations of trying to conceive can be exhausting, so let me help guide you through this.

Whilst in this container you are nurtured and supported, but most importantly educated with the tools to feel empowered on your fertility journey.

Over your 3 months with me you will gain a wealth of information in relation to your physical and emotional factors that can help you achieve your dream of having a successful pregnancy. I created this container for you to be educated and supported while you connect back to your womb and encourage healing to take place.
I met Edwina back in 2019 when we first discovered we had a fertility issue. I found it impossible to cope with at the time and I thought my day would never come that we would have our own baby. First I needed to heal myself before I was ready to become a Mum. Thank you for leading & guiding the way and helping me to fully surrender to the deep pain I was carrying.
Thank you so much Edwina for everything you have done to help support us during our fertility journey, whether it was fertility massage, counselling, couples counselling, retreats, women’s circles and the fertility support program, I learned so many skills that have helped me cope.
Your programs have defo made me feel less alone during a tough fertility journey. I have met some of the most incredible women from your programs.
I am so very grateful I found you when I needed help the most.
3 years on we now have our 2-week-old beautiful baby girl Saige Faith Raymond earthside with us. She has been worth every ounce of heartache. 
Anyone who struggles with fertility should go see Edwina.
Thanks for everything Edwina.
Sonja returned to see me in 2023 for baby number two and is now expecting in August 2024. 
Sonja Raymond

I understand the pain you’re going through, as I had a devastating pregnancy loss in the second trimester of my second pregnancy.

I can help you take back control of your fertility, giving you the tools to let go of fear and doubt on your journey to that positive pregnancy test. I support you through to meeting your beautiful little one earth side.  

I am not sure where I would be without Edwina. Her warm nature, her knowledge and skills in fertility massage are all what makes her so exceptional. This year, after seeing Edwina from the start of my infertility journey three years ago, I gave birth to my beautiful IVF baby girl Grace and I am eternally grateful for the support she gave me. 

Melissa has since had baby number 2, another girl Aubree, conceived naturally. 

Melissa B

Edwina will assist you physically, emotionally and mentally preparing you for conception, pregnancy and motherhood, covering common challengers below

Infertility issues



Failed IVF/IUI Cycles & Implantation

Low Progesterone/High Oestrogen

Hormone Imbalance/PMT increasing

Mindset and belief challengers

Reconnecting to your body

Irregular/painful periods

Poor egg quality & low AMH

Black, brown, red bleeding, blood clots

Digestive issues

Exhaustion & drained

Disappointment feeling like a failure

Nervous system regulation

Irregular menstrual cycles

Stress, anxiety, overwhelm

Relationship & Intimacy Issues

Not feeling good enough

Emotional trauma

Feeling alone, sadness, feeling down

Angry and frustrated

Uncovering the root emotional cause to infertility

Sexual trauma

What if you could optimise conception for pregnancy success?

Edwina has helped hundreds of women to go onto to have successful pregnancies and births through her clinic and programs. An incredible 60%, of women who work with Edwina fall pregnant within 3-6 months.

Ready to start your journey, you can do this here with the choice of support

6 Month 1:1 Program                                  Monthly Casual 1:1 Appointment 

Are you ready to dive deep into the physical and emotional layers which may be responsible for your conception troubles?

1:1 Support with your choice of 1 month or 6 months 

As one of Perth’s premier fertility professionals, Edwina stands out with her extensive experience and unwavering commitment to supporting individuals and couples on their fertility journey since 2014. Her holistic approach transcends traditional methods, meticulously addressing both emotional and physical barriers that may hinder conception.

Edwina’s distinctive blend of individualised care, compassion, and holistic strategies distinguishes her as a leading authority in fertility care within the Perth community. Whether you are at the onset of your fertility exploration or navigating challenges along the way, Edwina’s profound expertise and empathetic approach ensure you receive unparalleled guidance and support. With Edwina by your side, you are empowered to optimise your chances of conceiving and embarking on a successful pregnancy and birth journey.

The appointment will include a variety of modalities including, but not limited too: Person centered talk therapy, poly vagal theory exercises, fertility and womb massage, trauma release  exercises, emotional freedom technique (tapping), embodiment movement, somatic therapy, womb health and healing, breathwork, education, meditation and sound healing, shamanic healing and remedies. 

In addition to scheduled appointments, if you are in the 6 month program you will benefit from Edwina’s unwavering support, expertise, and healing presence through Voxer message support from Monday to Wednesday. This invaluable Voxer support offers you a unique opportunity to process, reflect, and seek guidance in between sessions.

Understanding the complexities and emotions involved in the fertility journey, Edwina ensures that you have a reliable channel to reach out, discuss concerns, and receive ongoing support. Whether you require clarification, additional information, or simply a listening ear, Voxer provides a seamless connection to Edwina’s expertise, enabling you to continue your healing journey with confidence and reassurance. With Edwina’s dedicated Voxer support, you can navigate your fertility path knowing that guidance and compassionate care are readily available to support your needs.

Edwina’s fervent dedication extends beyond fertility support; she is committed to equipping you with invaluable tools and knowledge that resonate throughout your life as a woman. The insights and strategies you acquire are not merely tailored for fertility enhancement but also enrich your experience during pregnancy and motherhood.

Throughout the program, Edwina fosters accountability through thoughtfully crafted homework tasks. These tasks seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, promoting a sense of calmness, relaxation, and empowerment. By embracing beliefs that resonate with your journey, you’ll be empowered to implement necessary changes, fostering a renewed mindset and perspective on the challenges associated with conception.


6 month 1:1 Conception to Birth Program

Program details are here

 Payment Plan available here

As September is Edwina’s birthday month, she is giving you a $500 discount when signing up to this program in the month of September. Use the code BIRTHDAY44 at the checkout when purchasing. Valid til 30th September 2024.

Initial 60 minute online consultation on your personal history, health and fertility journey

4 x in-clinic 90 minute fertility and womb massage appointments

8 x 90 minute online appointments with a topic each fortnight

Weekly unlimited voxer talk and text counselling support Monday to Wednesday for 6 months

10 x Fertility Module PDF booklets for your self development

Access to Edwina's Fertility Resource Library for 12 months; see link above for full details of what's included - so much valuable information

Monthly Casual Appointment

Book in Here

1 x 90 minute consultation on your personal history, health and fertility journey plus fertility massage treatment and counselling

Openings available to commence in September 2024


With a proven track record of assisting high hundreds of women in achieving successful pregnancies and births, Edwina looks forward to working with you. Under her guidance and expertise, you will cultivate a renewed sense of empowerment, calmness, and hopefulness. Edwina's compassionate approach and extensive experience empower you to navigate your fertility path with confidence, paving the way for a brighter and more optimistic future.

Edwina is committed to supporting you physically, emotionally, and mentally throughout every phase of your fertility journey. She diligently works with you to cultivate a sense of safety, calmness, and empowerment within your body, ensuring that you feel genuinely supported, listened to, and understood. Through personalised guidance and attentive care, Edwina holds you accountable as you make transformative changes aligned with your overall well-being and aspirations. With her comprehensive support, you'll navigate your fertility journey with confidence, resilience, and a profound sense of empowerment across all dimensions of your health and experience.

This container of support is for you if

You have been trying to conceive either naturally or through IVF

You have been trying to conceive for several months or years without success

You have just started your conception journey but wish to set yourself up in the best way possible for a fast successful conception without heartache.

You are ready for change and prepared to be accountable to bring in your baby

You need support, and feel tired of doing this alone

You have had a miscarriage, lost a baby and want support to try again

You have exhausted all options and you are still not pregnant

You have encountered trauma in your life and you can feel this is holding you back from conceiving

You are ready to feel empowered on your fertility journey

You want to have a better connection with your partner emotionally, physically and sexually

You want to feel good about yourself, stop the negative/critical thinking

You are ready to trust and be vulnerable to open your heart

If you fall pregnant whilst working with Edwina this is an amazing outcome and now more than ever you will be want support and guidance to help ease any fears and anxieties. Edwina will continue to support you until the container finishes and if you wish to continue after that, this is an option.

Working with Edwina isnt for you if:

You are not open to change or looking at things with a different perspective

You want a quick fix and for someone else to "heal" you

You don't want to show up for yourself or be accountable

Natural Fertility & IVF Support Options

6 months Conception to Birth Program

If you are ready join me here 


Casual Monthly Appointment

If you are ready join me here 


If you want to feel into if this is right for you, before you book your place, then book an encounter call with Edwina where you can discuss your unique personal situation. 

Click here to get in touch and arrange this

What women are saying…

Wow what a special, nurturing and inspirational woman Edwina is! After many years of facing infertility on my own in a society that struggles with understanding people going through IVF. I finally found someone who has committed herself wholeheartedly to supporting people like myself. Edwina works tirelessly to support and encourage all women on the program. While imparting an abundance of knowledge and skills to help me thrive and continue on my fertility journey. Thankyou Edwina for this amazing opportunity of support and encouragement within a safe and nurturing environment.

Anna R

Edwina is a kind, caring and compassionate human being, she is our ‘wing woman’ on each of our fertility journeys. She is 100% committed to helping you achieve your goal, whatever that may be. You will come out of this, more confident, with helpful steps to achieve your goal and you will grow as a person and will learn different and new things about yourself. She is here to help guide you on your path.

Jess D

First of all I would like to say if you are on this page reading our comments, believe that it is not by chance and you are exactly where you should be. There is a right time for everything in this life. Your time is unique, so it wont do you any good to compare yourself to others or dwell on your past. Living in the present embracing everything that life offers you, enjoying the flow and natural course of life, believing that everything is for your greater good so there is no need for resistance or fear, there is only trust. Then you let go of the need to control and live! Challemgrs will always come , see them as steps in your evolution. Be kind to yourself Love is the answer to everything. With these words I express my gratitude to Edwina for offering us the fertility program. A complete program with exactly everything you need to create the perfect atmosphere where the miracle of life happens. They are lessons for a lifetime. I hope her teachings help you as much as they have helped me. Love and Light.

Adriana H

I met Edwina in August 2018 after a few months of trying for a family with my husband and boy am I glad I did!

I joined her Fertility program where she shared so much information on Fertilty and conceiving that I had no idea even existed! 

We fell pregnant the month after the program (Sept 2018) had finished but it was ectopic, Edwina guided me through all the ups and downs. We fell pregnant not long after but at 8 weeks suffered a missed miscarriage (March 2019) but felt that with the knowledge that I had learnt, I was able to accept and heal in a way I couldn’t before and fell pregnant our first month of trying after our miscarriage (May 2019).

Edwina helped me through all the emotional baggage (even though I’m stubborn as hell and was trying my hardest to keep it all in & I’m an over thinker from way back) she helped me to let go of things I didn’t even know I was holding onto, I always felt so much lighter after each massage and visualisation session! I loved them!

I have no doubt that without Edwina and her gift of helping women conceive that I wouldn’t be where we are today (8 months pregnant). Her support and friendship when I was so anxious and feeling like I was about to loose the plot meant everything!

I have recommended her to girlfriends who have struggled with conceiving and they couldn’t believe how much better they felt after even one session.

I can’t thank you enough, you really have helped in giving us life’s biggest gifts.

We can’t wait to welcome our little love bug in a few weeks time!

Lisa Hawkins

“Thankyou so much for providing me with the opportunity to attend your fertility program. The lessons and insights are priceless, and I am sure they will continue to make my life more balanced and peaceful. I truly believe that my time with you and the group enabled me to fall pregnant and achieve a life long dream. I am eternally grateful for what you have provided and the way that you put your heart and soul into helping me and our group.”


“After three years and three miscarriages, I was feeling pretty low and emotionally depleted. Although I’d been taking good care of myself physically while trying to conceive, hardly any was paid to my emotional health. Edwina’s program really helped me understand and deal with my emotions on this difficult journey. It was very helpful to do this with others in a similar position. Edwina has a special gift when it comes to emotional healing and the human psyche.”


“I’ve had the priveledge of being included in this program twice and I’m so thankful for this opportunity. It’s given me the chance to cement Edwina’s thorough teachings and also build twice the connection and support of women who understand your frustrations, sadness, disappointment and general highs and lows that go along with this journey is priceless”


”I can not thank Edwina enough! I feel more empowered as a woman and feel like I have more control over my body. I am hopeful that we will get our baby soon thanks to Edwina. I am now clear, ready and open to welcoming our baby”


“This program has been amazing. This fertility journey can be extremely lonely and to have people support you that are going through the same thing has been incredible. Edwina has an extremely unique gift and helps you to overcome your fears relating to fertility. I am a different and more stronger person going through this. Thankyou so much Edwina”


“Wouldnt hesitate to recommend Edwina’s Fertility Program. Its been great to meet people on similiar journeys and share experiences. Edwina’s knowledge, tips and advice in this area has been life changing for me”.


“Edwina what can I say but thankyou thankyou thankyou! You have created a space that has helped me grow so much and helped me  emotionally and physically deal with everything infertility can throw your way. Creating a space to meet some other beautiful women who understand what you are going through”


“It’s a place where I first time spoke about my emotional and physical aspects of the fertility with people who share the same journey. I realised that I am not alone and I felt safe, understood and supported. I would like to thank to Edwina for guiding us to connect to our wombs and for teaching us the technique of self-fertility massage. I experienced different feelings and emotions throughout the journey which helped me to uncover the fears and blocks. I also learnt how important is to listen your intuition, tune back to yourself and being able to let go what does not serves us anymore”

